
DIY plastic bag storage

09 September 2012

I needed a nice "something" to hold the plastic bags and put it near the front door. I wanted a fast 'n' easy way to collect them immediately. You see dogs are always impatient when they want to go out. And I always had to open the kitcen sink cabinet to find plastic bags.                               materials needed: emtpy tissue box, plastic adhesive roll and scissors.mesure or mark the box on the adhesive
cover carefully the box eith the adhesive plastic 
fold the edges around the sides
trim the excess cover away fold the corners of the plastic
it's easy to mark the inside hole because you can feel the blank 
and last, cut the center as the picture above. Also, it could be a nice idea to make a cover with fabric. I haven' t learned how to sew yet, but when I do I'll give it a try!

p.s. I apologize for the poor quality photos, I have lost my cameras charger...
