
Hair Tutorial Pompadour

30 December 2012

A pompadour is a hairstyle commonly worn by greasers in the '50s. The sides are combed back and the top is combed back and up. Usually styled with hair grease, and many coupled a pompadour with a "duck tail or duck butt" which is when the hair in the back has a middle part done by the end of a comb. Named after the Marquise de Pompadour. 
It's been a long time since my last vintage hair updo. Back in 90s I used to make a more rockabilly lookalike hair. This time I use the below tutorial from LeoLilies youtube channel.

Another great Chic and Simple Hair Roll Updo Tutorial this time from the amazing astraulian superkawaiimama.


and How to Make a Pompadour Hairstyle (for men) here.

Greek Traditional Holiday Sweets

20 December 2012

Άσπρα αρνάκια, κουραμπιέδες,
στάλιασαν μες την πιατέλα. 
Γύρω ζάχαρη το χιόνι 
και λευκό χαρτί, νταντέλα. 

Every year my mom - and as far as I know every greek mother - makes our (Greek) traditional  holiday sweets. This year I've decided that I should try to make them also... ok she helped me... a lot! And they were delicious! There's no need to post in greek the recipe, even thought it's a recipe from an excellent cook from Crete - we all know more than one.

So, here's two recipes for kourampiedes (icing-sugar covered butter almond cookies) and melomakarona (oily honey chinnamon cookies) I found in english. Also Happy Turtle has a recipe for Vasilopita, a kind of cake we make for New Years Eve.
Ευχάριστο άρθρο για την προέλευση τους καθώς και μια μικρή έρευνα αγοράς για τα γνωστότερα ζαχαροπλαστεία από το αθηνόραμα.

Και, από τον Γιώργο Δαμιανό η ετοιμολογία του μελομακάρονου, δεν ήξερα ότι έχει σχέση με τον... μακαρίτη!


Dancing Snowflakes

17 December 2012

 This year I decided to go with simple decoration for my office. I hanged around 18 paper snowflakes.The materials that I used can be found almost in every office: A4 photocopy paper, a classic paper punch, thread  and a laminator machine. Just that. So simple. Cut, laminate, punch, hang.
 I didn't used a tutorial, it's something that I remember from when I was a child, but you can find a lot with a google search. For example, here is Marthas Stewart tutorial. And patterns here and here to make your life easier.

I was born in a cloud...
Now I am falling. 

I want you to catch me.
Look up and you'll see me.
You know you can hear me. 

The world is so loud. Keep falling. I'll find you.
We're over a forest.
There's millions of snowflakes.
We're dancing. 

 It's midnight at Christmas.
The world is so loud. Keep falling. I'll find you.

In a moment or two.
I'll be with you.

Positive thinking

10 December 2012

Positive Design Πηγή:
Positive Design Πηγή:
 Positive Design 
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Positive Design Πηγή:
